Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 2, 88 Days to Go

I thought that I would be more sore today. Don't get me wrong, I hurt, but not all over. I guess Tony's workouts really do target a specific area. My shoulders and Back hurt. And my tummy hurts. But the pain isn't so bad that I can't get up and get on with my day. I did some stretching first thing this morning so I wouldn't stiffen up and took a hot shower. As promised I had some egg whites for breakfast and some fruit and cottage cheese for a snack. Finally I  used up the last of my tuna that I made yesterday and had another sandwich. But my blood sugar dipped about two and I mowed a was good. This is a drastically better diet for me even with the Lucky Charms and cupcakes so I hope I  can stick to it. It wasn't that I ate so much more, I just didn't make good food choices.

When the kids got home we popped Pylometrics in the player and got started. My daughter Larrissa did the warm up with me before she got tired and went elsewhere. Pylometrics is mostly jumping around in all kinds of creative ways. My triple D breasts were a big pain in the butt. With a lot of the moves instead of doing to the arm motions I was holding onto my boobs. I wore a very supportive brand new sports bra that I bought especially for the occasion, but this is some seriously hard core jumping. Some of these, like the high knee jumps, I couldn't do. I know I looked ridiculous. I do not have good fat tosses me around. So I was much slower and did not look pretty like the demonstrators. But I kept going. I did not in any way keep up with Tony but I did keep going except when I was sucking down water. I'm glad I'm doing this in the privacy of my home because I don't think I would do this in front of people.

I think this workout mostly worked my thighs and butt. Cool. Tony had me get down low and squat for a lot of the jumps. My thighs were burning hard. It worked my abs too, maybe I was doing it wrong  but I really felt my sore tummy muscles. I think a lot of these are going to help my flexibility and balance too. My son loved it. He spent at least twenty minutes jumping around with me. I have a twenty dollar walmart special workout mat that I don't think is going to cut it. Because it doesn't really cling to the floor it kept getting kicked up and in the way. Maybe I'll invest in a better mat soon.

I wouldn't have finished the race in the top ten,  but I was still trying at the end of the video so I have to give myself some credit at least. Sticking with it and giving it my best is the hardest part for me so I just keep telling myself that it's only 90 days and I'll feel better. Maybe after 90 days I'll be used to the abuse and I'll just keep going. Time will tell. As for right now, I'm starving. I know it's because I'm burning a lot of calories and my body thinks it needs to feed itself. So I'm going to have some carrots and hold out to eat until dinner is ready.


  1. Your legs and back are going to hurt tomorrow. I sympathise with you in advance. Just don't quit!

  2. Good for you! Tomorrow (day 4) is yoga. Let me say I have been doing yoga for almost 5 years now and it has really helped with balance, but there are still poses that I can't do on this DVD. And it's 90mins and I've never done 90min of yoga (20-30 tops for me). So just push through it and don't face the TV if you've never done yoga, face sideways so you can just turn your head and see what he's doing until you can learn the names. And yes you will need a yoga block and don't get frustrated. Those people are freaking pretzels. Do what you can and modify where you need to. :)
