Saturday, April 16, 2011

Brutally Honest Fat Girl

I'll admit it, I used to be one of those girls that we all hate. The skinny one who lived on Pizza and fried foods, who never exercised, and was always slender. You girls counting your calories and doing your situps comforted yourselves knowing that my unhealthy lifestyle would catch up with me. And of course it did, my metabolism crashed and now I'm struggling with my weight like the rest of the world.

I packed on the pounds but didn't worry too much about it, I was getting older. Than I looked in the mirror and had the most disgusting fat rolls. Jeans no longer looked sexy, they showed off my fat butt and thunder thighs. I can't wear sleeveless tops anymore. No one wants to see my floppy arms. I am deeply ashamed of the way I look. I'm being honest here, I'm not fat because I'm big boned. I'm fat because I've been unhealthy and lazy. I woke up and realized I was going to have to go up another size and absolutely refused to buy bigger jeans.

So I tried going to the gym and getting on the step machine. I tried some at home Pilates video's. But I saw no results. I'll admit I was half assed about it. Thinking I'm just starting out, I'll build up my endurance...lousy excuses. So my weight loss failed and I quit. I tried diet pills for about two days, I really didn't like the lightheaded jittery way they made me feel. I'm definitely not interested in starving myself. But I continued to gain weight. I noticed in the mirror that I have developed this really low roll of fat just above my looks really gross no matter what I wear.

I want to be pretty again.

So I need something drastic that has drastic results. I'm committing to P90X. It's only 90 days of my life. I can do this.

I found some cool blogs, but none written by women so I thought what the hell...I'll write one. I'm hoping it will hold me accountable, that I will continue because the world is watching. Please keep my butt in line.

So I did my fitness test to see where I'm at and I'm pathetic. I'm 5'2 and weigh 175 pounds. I managed to squeak through the test half and half. I did the situps and the wall jump and the jumping jacks. Pull up, I maybe got 1/4. I did the three pushups, but totally cheated on the last one. The diet is definitely going to be a problem for me, it's all turkey burgers and egg whites. But here I go. I'm posting my before pictures. I'm hoping the humiliation will motivate me. Go me.


  1. You can do this. I started P90x a week ago, so it if you need any pointers I would be happy to help you. I am also 5'2" and after my son was born I was 165lbs (and that was a year after he was born). You can do this. It's all about pushing your self and I think you have that motivation! Go get'm girly!!

  2. Thank you :) I would love to hear about how you are doing with P90X. I'm kind of nervous about it since I've never done a hardcore workout before. I'm glad to hear that other moms are doing this.
